We’re finally starting to throw off the summer heat and seeing signs of Fall – cool nights, not so hot days, wind, leaves turning brilliant yellows, and some rain. What a relief after a very hot, dry summer here in Albuquerque!

But with the advent of October, we move deeper into the new 20-year cycle of energy that started around 2020 called the Age of Aquarius.

Here’s the lowdown from “Trusted Astrology”:

“In this Age, there is progressive thinking. During this age, there is a focus on each and everyone’s individual personality and because of this, acting as a unit is achieved. However, there will also be a change in power dynamics during this age. Freedom is given to those who want to choose their own reality.” 

The article highlights the impact of this new age: an emphasis on technology, economic disruption, community care, innovation and growth, rebirth and renewal, health and well being.

There are also some survival tips, including:

  • Thinking outside the box
  • Avoiding materialism
  • Building friendships
  • Being rebellious
  • Being more socially active
  • Catching up on technological changes
  • Embracing change

I recommend you read the whole article found at: https://trusted-astrology.com/what-is-the-age-of-aquarius.

In Chinese Metaphysics, this energy shift is called Period 9, which officially begins on February 4th, 2024. Predictions about this 20-year cycle are very similar to those of the Age of Aquarius – an increasing reliance on, and advances in, technology, middle-aged women (finally) coming into many more positions of power, growth of metaphysics, climate change issues, social/cultural transformations, global connections, economic and workforce transformation (time to upgrade those skills). Period 9 is ruled by the fire element so it will bring in some heat and light for the world. Also note that 2024 is the year of the Fire Dragon, which adds more excitement to next year. Also the number 9 now becomes the “lucky number” (instead of 8).

More good information can be found at:  https://dougleschan.com/period9/period-9-in-feng-shui/.

Or watch this 4- minute video by Joey Yap:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7U9iTAXLYk 

But on to October. . .

As well as changing weather, October brings in a partial solar eclipse (Oct. 14th) and a partial lunar eclipse (Oct. 28th). This pairing is called an ‘eclipse season’ so expect some big life changes, heavy emotions, instability. Overall, these eclipses help us let go of what no longer serves us. Tune in, ride the waves, accept any growing pain, and use this available energy to make healthy changes in your life. This month gives you the perfect energy to prepare for the new 20-year cycle.

How to best sync with the energy this month . . .  

  • Look at who you are, decide what to let go of from your past; then take action.
  • Stay grounded into nature during this rocky month.
  • Have healthy personal boundaries (everyone else is struggling and world energy is chaotic)
  • Take a close look at what you are doing in life,
  • See how you or your business will fit with the incoming energy change, and decide what changes will be helpful.

For this and the upcoming months, especially during 2024, as the energy around you heats up (social, political, etc.) keep your head down, stay away from naysayers, conspiracy theorists and, most if not all of, the social media gloom and doom talking heads, future predictions, possibilities, maybe’s, worst case scenarios, etc. about what may or may not happen. Especially watch out for the infamous “they” out there who are going to __________  to the USA, to the world, to you, to our water, to our food, to our monetary system, to ____________, etc. (you fill in the blanks).

In the meantime, maintain good boundaries and live your life the way you want to.   

Welcome the changing season, new opportunities, new creativity as well as the glorious colors of Fall. And welcome the perfect time to make personal changes for a fantastic future!


On a quick personal note, this year truly ‘kicked my butt’ – with two surgeries and way too many anesthesia chemicals. However, I am now jumping back into the game of life, ready to be more creative and social and to make my future!

Glad to have you with me.

Great ayni to all, Carole

One More Way to Be Prepared

During the Fall season, the etheric veil separating our physical world from the ‘realm of magic’ is thinnest, resulting in increased spiritual sightings and interactions. Carole shares tips about the spirit realm, recognizing when there is a problem, and how to safely interact or protect yourself as needed, at this or at any other time.

How to Safely Navigate the Spirit Realm – A Guide for Energy Workers, Healers, Dowsers, and the Curious. Available on Amazon.