Welcome to the Year of the Wood Dragon!

This new cycle of energy goes beyond just a year change, but also welcomes in a brand new 20-year era called Period 9. 

Period 9 is a time that brings great transformation and innovation. There will be a pronounced rise in technology, AI, culture, and spirituality.

 The year 2024 begins this shift to even crazier times than what we are in but also comes with many opportunities.

 During January and February, I’ve seen the changes in prices, websites, types of trainings, etc. as businesses update, review, and make internal changes. Have you been noticed some differences?

 In my practice, I am seeing more people faced with career choices, especially with AI (artificial intelligence) creating change in many industries. Will your job position be affected? Eliminated? Perhaps this a great time to embrace AI and see how it can help at work? Become the AI guru!

 Is this the year to start out on your own in business? Or to get out of a dead-end career path and move into a field that brings you joy?

Hopefully you aren’t waiting for the ‘hammer to drop’ but instead doing your own planning.

Create purpose! Take a bag of optimism, find the courage to act, set purpose and reason in your life, and find fulfillment and peace. Spend the next 20 years in an awakened state.

 The alternative is a downward spiral from boredom to fear and anger, moving into denial and depression, and finally pain, shame, and guilt. It will seem like a very long 20 years from this point of view.

 Let 2024 be a year of awakening. Harness the dragon energy and create something tangible for yourself – and start building momentum now!